10 Advanced Website Optimization Tips To Increase SEO and Improve Performance

Most people are aware of the importance of SEO, but there are some advanced optimization techniques that can be added to any website that will not only enhance its appearance and performance, but will add a new level of professionalism and impress any visitors.

Include Keywords in File Names
Adding keywords to the file names of images, graphics and web pages can improve the SEO of a website. Search engines read text, and look at file names, and placing a keyword in place of a generic file name can assist with boosting SERP rankings.

Instead of using “image2.jpg”, a file should be named using a keyword, such as, “weight-loss-tips.jpg”. This tells the search engine that the image is relevant to the site content, and the renamed image could end up featured in the organic listings, or images section, of a search engine.

Use Hyphens Instead of Underscores
Use hyphens when naming files and pages in a website. Search engines find it easier to distinguish words separated by a hyphen. It has been suggested that search engines counts underscores as characters. By naming a page, “dog_training”, a search engine would include the underscore as part of the title and that is a worthless keyword.

Don’t Underestimate Spelling and Grammar
Spelling and grammar should be perfect on a website. Nothing screams out unprofessional and lack of quality louder than a badly edited website. The site could have fantastic content and incredible design, but a few sloppy spelling errors, and erroneous grammar, could cause a visitor to assume that no real care or effort has been made. There is no point spending days on content if a visitor cannot understand it.

Customized 404 Page
If for some reason an internal link is broken – or a visitor types in an incorrect URL – they will be confronted by a generic 404 page that simply states, “Page not found”. Not only does this look unprofessional and ugly – it can drive a visitor away. A customized 404 page can include links back to a site and its important content.

Add an Address Bar/Bookmarking Icon
When some sites are loaded in a browser, they display little symbols, or logos, that can be seen in the address bar, right next to the website URL. They are also displayed in a bookmarks list, if the site is bookmarked. Referred to as “Favicons”, which is an amalgamation of “Favorite Icons”, they add a professional touch to any site.

Non-www Redirects
If a site has “www” extension and a visitor types in the website address but omits the “www” part, they may not reach the site. The same applies if a site does not use “www” in its address and a searcher adds “www” in front of the URL. A site should be organized so that it automatically redirects the misspelled, or mistyped, URL to the main website.

Header Link
It is now common practice for all header graphics, or logos, to link back to the main index page of a site. This means that no matter what internal page a visitor is on, they can simply click on the header graphic, or logo, and be taken straight back to the home page. If a website does not have this function, it should be added, as it is a widely used and expected function.

Include a Copyright
All professional websites include a copyright at the foot of the page. It displays a sign of authority and legality that lends to trust. One vital point to remember is that it needs to be kept in date. Even if the content of the website is regularly updated, a copyright notice that ran out last year suggests that nothing has been done to the site since then.

Correct Graphic and Image Sizes
Large image and graphic files will seriously reduce the load speed of a website. This is bad for two reasons: A visitor will get bored waiting and leave before they even see the homepage, and Google has now included page load speed into its search engine ranking algorithms, so a sites SERP position could suffer. Resizing images, and graphics, to the correct size will speed up the site. Another good tip is to stay clear of Flash graphics – they can take a long time to load.

Spring Clean
Unnecessary graphics and garish ads should be removed from a website. People visit a site for information, not to admire the pretty pictures. If a visitor cannot find the content hidden amongst all the tacky-looking adverts and flashing banners – they will leave and probably not return.

Advertisements may add some income to a site, but not if they look cheap and cover the site like a rash. No one will be around long enough to ever read them, never mind actually click one. A site needs to be kept clean and accessible.

Look Professional and Boost Performance
By adopting these 10 simple improvements, a website can dramatically improve its appearance and convince visitors, and search engines, that it is professional and authoritative.

A site probably only has 5-10 seconds to capture the interest of a browsing visitor and the first thing they see is the layout and appearance. If a website cannot immediately grab a visitor’s attention with its clean professional design, any important content will not be read.

These advanced techniques are designed to improve overall SEO, increase search engine rankings and keep hold of the extra visitors that should start appearing as a result of the new professional optimization.

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